Meet the Visionaries Behind Kong Rolls: Jimmy Ayash and Carlos Polo

Meet the Visionaries Behind Kong Rolls: Jimmy Ayash and Carlos Polo

At the heart of Kong Rolls, the revolutionary bamboo toilet paper brand, are two dynamic college students, Jimmy Ayash and Carlos Polo. Their shared vision for a more sustainable future and a relentless drive to make a positive impact on the environment have brought them together on an incredible entrepreneurial journey. This blog post delves into the story of these two young innovators and their mission to change the world, one toilet roll at a time.

The Beginnings

Jimmy Ayash, a finance student at the University of Miami, and Carlos Polo, a passionate advocate for environmental sustainability, met during their college years. Both coming from different backgrounds but sharing a common goal, they bonded over their desire to create something meaningful and impactful. This shared vision laid the foundation for what would become Kong Rolls.

Inspiration and Vision

The inspiration behind Kong Rolls stemmed from their growing awareness of the environmental damage caused by traditional toilet paper production. They learned that over 27,000 trees are cut down daily for toilet paper, significantly contributing to deforestation and environmental degradation. Determined to find a sustainable alternative, Jimmy and Carlos turned to bamboo—a fast-growing, renewable resource that offered the perfect solution.

The Journey of Kong Rolls

Starting from scratch, Jimmy and Carlos dedicated countless hours to researching, planning, and developing their product. They collaborated with experts in sustainable materials and manufacturing processes to ensure that Kong Rolls would be both eco-friendly and of the highest quality. Their bamboo toilet paper is not only strong and soft but also free from harmful chemicals like BPAs and PFAs, making it safe for consumers and the planet.

Building the Brand

With a clear vision and a unique product, Jimmy and Carlos embarked on the challenging task of building their brand. They leveraged social media and digital marketing strategies to spread the word about Kong Rolls, highlighting its benefits and the importance of sustainable living. Their innovative approach and engaging content quickly gained attention, allowing them to connect with a growing audience of eco-conscious consumers.

A Commitment to Sustainability

Beyond creating a high-quality product, Jimmy and Carlos are deeply committed to ensuring that Kong Rolls operates with sustainability at its core. They source their bamboo responsibly, work closely with local communities involved in its cultivation, and ensure that their entire production process is environmentally friendly. Their dedication to ethical practices and reducing their carbon footprint sets Kong Rolls apart in the competitive market.

Looking Ahead

As Jimmy and Carlos continue to grow Kong Rolls, their mission remains steadfast: to revolutionize the toilet paper industry and promote a more sustainable future. They are constantly exploring new ways to innovate and improve their product, staying true to their commitment to quality and sustainability.


Jimmy Ayash and Carlos Polo are more than just entrepreneurs; they are visionaries dedicated to making a tangible difference in the world. Through Kong Rolls, they have shown that with passion, determination, and a clear purpose, it is possible to create a product that not only meets the highest standards of quality but also contributes to a greener planet. Follow their journey and support their mission by choosing Kong Rolls—because every small change can lead to a big impact.

Join the Bamboo Revolution with Kong Rolls

Learn more about Jimmy and Carlos's journey and support their mission for a sustainable future by visiting our website at

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